Linking Israel’s Prophetic Events & Iran

17 04 2024


Connect the Dots = Mystery Solved – Iran is about to be attacked by Israel after Iran’s bombardment of Israel last Saturday night. Can we know what happens next? Yes, if we connect the dots, we can see the relationship between different pieces of information. Iran will have a major defeat leading to a time of peace. Israel prophecy is clarified by understanding the Biblical events timeline. I think of it as connecting the dots. Instead of seeing unrelated events we begin to recognize a pattern unfolding that links the events to each other.

There are three modern day Israel events that reveal the pattern. They are the Holocaust, the Arab invasions of Israel’s new state, and then the intrusion of Iran into the mix. I am not prophesying; I am laying out simple prophetic Scriptures. If it is just from me it is subjective, but if it is revealed in the Bible we can take it to the bank. Each of the three events above are predicted in Scripture.

  1. The Holocaust is described in Psalm 102:1-12. Then comes the glorious promise of the time to favor Zion, the set time, in verse 13. This prophecy was historically fulfilled right after the Holocaust in 1948. “You will arise and have mercy on Zion; For the time to favor her, Yes, the set time, has come.”
  2. The Arab Invasion is described in Psalm 83 and began the very next day after Israel declared their independence. Those countries continued warring against Israel for decades. But now we have seen peace treaties and the Abraham Accords that have ended the Psalm 83 War. However, it is not quite over because the terror proxies of Iran are still attacking. Iran has even attacked Israel directly. All of these have the same goal: the wiping out of Israel forever. Their argument is with Yehovah God Himself, and He has the final word. The prayer of Psalm 83 is that the enemies would fight each other as the Midianites did in Gideon’s day, which we have seen in the present. Keep praying that prayer.
  3. The Iranian Intrusion is an event out of timing with prophecy. Iran is part of the Ezekiel 38 Gog and Magog invasion. But there is a critical prophetic key to unlock the timing. Simply compare the nations listed in Psalm 83 with the nations listed in Ezekiel 38. They are two completely different lists. The first are the ones who now border Israel. The Ezekiel nations will be on the border of Israel after the end of the Psalm 83 War. But, the problem is that Iran is acting now, out of timing. Therefore, I conclude that they will have to be diminished or disabled in a very serious way. That is why I expect Israel to administer a major blow in the near future, so bad that Iran will not recover for a decade or more. A simple reading of Ezekiel 38:1-14 will reveal that the condition of Israel at the time of that invasion is one of extraordinary peace, certainly not true now, or in the first 75 years of Israel’s restoration. Look for the major setback of Iran followed by a flood of nations joining the Abraham Accords including Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and many more.

Gog and Magog? Not! Here are the seven phrases in Ezekiel 38 regarding Israel’s status before the Gog and Magog invasion. This is why I believe all the talk about that Gog invasion being imminent is mistaken. I was in Israel just last September and saw the 25 foot walls in many places. They will be removed when real peace comes and after that time of peace with their neighbors, then comes the Ezekiel 38 Invasion.

“they were brought out of the nations, and now all of them dwell safely.” v. 8

Gog and Magog say: “I will go up against a land of unwalled villages; I will go to a peaceful people, who dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates” v. 11

“when My people Israel dwell safely” v. 14

Please pray for the daily threats, developments and decisions right now. This is a critical point in history. God knows the end from the beginning and He has it all under control. His will is being done. Messiah Yeshua is with us and will never leave us or forsake us. 

“Behold, He who keeps Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep… Yehovah shall preserve you from all evil; ​​He shall preserve your soul. Yehovah shall preserve your going out and your coming in from this time forth, and even forevermore.”  Psalm 121: 4, 7-8

Pray for the peace of Jerusalem and wisdom in the time of war.

Les Lawrence, a voice of Christian Zionists                  (Read more)



3 responses

17 04 2024
A Clark

Good analysis. I know there is debate about psalm 83 and whether or not it’s fulfilled. I don’t know that it is completely fulfilled because the “exit criteria” for the prophecy is that those nations will know that He alone is the Lord (last verse). That is not the case, in my opinion. It could be that events are cycling through that prophecy a number of times until verse 18 is fulfilled. Regardless of the details, it’s all coming into focus.


17 04 2024

Yes, it is my prayer that the Arab nations surrounding is Israel will find Jesus. Most arabs become very pro-israel when they are saved and start reading the Bible.

Thanks for your comments.


24 04 2024
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[…] Les Lawrence, a voice of Christian Zionists               (Read more) […]


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